Siobhan Kenny
Siobhan has been CEO of Radiocentre, the industry body for UK commercial radio responsible for marketing the medium, representing the industry to Government and regulators, and clearing advertising scripts for broadcast, for over five years.
Setting the strategy to redefine radio as a digital audio medium under the broad heading ‘See Radio Differently’, during that time she has championed diversity and driven new partnerships while overseeing record advertising revenues and listening figures for the radio and audio industry. Last year, she launched the Young Audio Awards, an industry wide awards event shining a spotlight on 8-18 year olds who love making radio and audio.
She is Chair of Radioplayer, the joint digital venture between the BBC and the commercial sector, and serves on the Boards of the Advertising Association, Digital Radio UK and the Royal Yachting Association. She was made a Fellow of the Radio Academy in 2018.
Prior to joining Radiocentre, Siobhan played a key role in bringing the 2012 Olympics to London as a Board Director of the Culture, Media and Sport department. Her background is in political and strategic communication for content businesses going through transformation, including Disney and HarperCollins.